Monday, May 14, 2012


去年尾, 突然间很多的朋友都买了学友半世纪演唱会, 隔天每人都说他的演唱会有多好的, 我只好暗子伤心又错过了他的演唱会,心里马上下了个决定,如果下次他再来一定不可错过,因为每次听到朋友们谈他们雪狼湖的经验我都很后悔为什么我错过了这么重要的表演?

终于,一月头听到了学友会于五月再来! 马上下定决心这次不容错过!结果开始售票的第二天,内子马上就把票买到了! 之后就是满欢期待的等演唱会的到来!

最期待的那天终于到来,可以与我的偶像- 张学友见面!,重温那些陪伴着我成长的歌。

下午六时就出发的我们,还是被困在车龙中! 到了7。15分我们才到达陈氏书院附近,当时内子已经躁急了,因为我们没拿门票呢! 因为内子是网上交易,加上选择当天索票,所以还要赶快去索票不然迟到就“显了“

这样的日子,附近的停车厂当然不会错过赚钱机会! 逗了几个圈后终于找到位子,但我荷包就少了三张红纸。

到达体育官时真下了一大跳, 7点多了,还人山人海的排队?

还看到很多最后一分钟买票的人。过后马上就进场因为内子还要排个大长龙小解。而我就趁有时间买了两个萤光棒!终于,进场坐下,已经满了七七八八,但还看到很多 VVIP 人的还在一排排的进场!

一坐下心情马上紧张和HIGH 了!不知今晚的表演会如何。。。不知道我想听的那几首歌会被唱吗?
不一会全场灯光暗了,荧光幕也开始进行倒数,全场的人都high 反了!!不说你不知,进场的都不是弟弟妹妹了,而是大哥哥大姐姐了!当年的小粉丝都变大粉丝. 学友也自嘲他以前是个抒情王子, 而现在是个抒情老王子。

张学友以一袭全白西装开场,独自秀了一段风骚的踢踏舞。过后就以歌舞剧的方式把歌曲串起來, 银幕上还播了一段他与舒淇的短篇,让我们更了解他想要表达的内容。尾段用了如果愛来结尾。。。让我真心感动。

之后就是一首接一首的好歌,当然包括了大家朗朗上口的经典名曲,也包括一些比较没那么上口的好歌。 无论如何我们是很high的,差不多跟学友一样唱了那么多歌! 当他跟我们这边挥手时我们就拼命的挥手中的萤光棒和拼命吹口中的哨子!



曲目:花花公子、小姐贵姓、初吻、你是我今生唯一传奇、你的名字我的姓氏、情愿、一滴泪、人在雨中、三分拍、如果·爱、天气这么热、吻别、我应该、月巴女且、迷你、离开以后、情网、情人的眼泪、我真的受伤了、Life Is Like A Dream、Double Trouble、李香兰、每天爱你多一些、夕阳醉了、明日世界终结时、心如刀割、饿狼传说、头发乱了、这个冬天不太冷、我等到花儿也谢了、遥远的她、蓝雨、只想一生跟你走、想和你去吹吹风、楼上来的声音、心碎了无痕、还是觉得你最好、寂寞的男人、真情流露、祝福


  1. haha... great that you enjoy.. but for me is so so only.. XD

    1. why so so?
      it was superb show .. especially the last part ....
      the vocal was damn good...If i am a girl sure "lam sei"
      this is the last concert for oversea world tour..
      and he will be back to Hong Kong ...

  2. ala... what you story man...

    I only know it's about Jacky Cheung.Plus high charge parking ;p

    1. sorry le ... it is easy for me to type in chinese..
      it is good though that u know that I am talking Jacky Cheung and high parking fees .. lol...
      hmmm i tot u know Japs.. mandarin and kanji is the same...
      in short .. me and my wife enjoy his concert a lot and it was amazing....
      triple thumbs up...yeah...

    2. Katakana and hiragana only. Kanji is too darn hard for me to learn especially since I'm self studying the language.

  3. Alamax... tak faham lah.. I no read Chinese...

  4. Me, sama-sama like Merryn...but I know Jacky, very the jiwang songs, favourite of the romantics. Wink! Wink!

  5. I've never been to a concert in my life. Can't imagine rushing through the mad traffic and pay RM30 for parking. But its good that you enjoyed it.

  6. yeah, i think the show receives a lot of good comments!! i should have gone to watch that, but i didn't know until i saw friends posting the photos in the stadium, haha!! :D

  7. wah, RM30 for the parking!! that's really 趁火打劫!! better to park somewhere and take public transport there right??

  8. just read from the news paper, a full page of report on 星洲日報.. and got to know he sang almost 4 hours from 8:15pm till 12:10am, wow!! so worth, very the 抵!!

  9. and i was so surprised you wrote in chinese this time!! i thought you were a banana, hehehe :p

  10. He truly deserves to be called 歌神,seriously he is one of the best but my all time fav is still Leslie Cheung

  11. Chinese I don't understand but I know you had been to Jacky Cheung's concert. One word that most of my friends who went to his concert was "FABULOUS". All of them said it is really worth and even went for second time in 2 years.

  12. watch his concert once, really amazed me lor...

    PS: RM30 for parking is so ridiculous! Money sucker!

  13. 2 concert tickets, RM30 parking fee, crowded (people mountain people sea), red star, stage..encho encho...that summarize everything rite? Saya pun tak paham tulisan cina...hahahha...=p

  14. I was there too!!! This concert is really amazing!! 4 hours of sing without the audience shouting for encore!!! He is really sincere towards Malaysian audience!

  15. it's good you enjoyed quality time with your wife watching the concert. it's life's little perks to wind up sometime.

  16. heheh, i also can't understand the chinese words in this post, but it looks like a colorful show with some nice 'special effects,' heheh :D

  17. Jacky Cheung's concert sure worth your money.

  18. I think this post is about Jacky Cheung's concert as the pics points to that. Sorry I can comment because the language is out of the way for me. Wow, you sure take the time to go for concerts and thats a great way of relaxing as well as seeing our idol in action.

  19. First time you wrote in Chinese, I seldom go to live concerts, only live concert I been to is Vivian Chow's concert cos it is a free ticket cos our client sponsors her concert.

  20. hmmm... i can't read much chinese - aproximately 200 simple characters only. i wished i can read more characters.

  21. In my entire life , I have not been to any concert, even I love his song a lot but when look at the ticket price, I better listen to his CD, hehehe .,
