Before the e greetings card get popular...
I always send CNY greetings cards to my friends and relatives
but due to the
Instead of sending the real greeting card I just send some greetings by using sms, whatsapp & email...
But I still carry out the old tradition to send some CNY greeting cards to my family and my closest friends..
I use to look for some nice wording & nice pictures for my parents.....wishing them good health and happiness...
Some of my friends also send CNY greeting cards to me too..
the feelings is so warmth when you receive it..
especially that those childhood friends that have not get in touch so often...
For me festive seasons is always gather together and catch up with some good old friends and relatives..
I remember that last time before my sister got married....
She will get lot of greeting cards from her friends... and we will place all the cards in our house's living room..
Those cards are part of the CNY decoration...
and we always compare who got the most CNY cards.....
Oppps it reminds me to send out my greeting card now if not then they will not receive it before CNY......
CNY is less than 2 weeks and I am really looking forward for it...
Wise man say.. during this CNY I will EAT